Sixteen People affected with Waterborne Illness: UKHSA

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The UK Health Security Agency has identified 16 cases of cryptosporidium, a disease similar to diarrhea, in Devon. The organization stated that it was conducting an investigation into the confirmed instances, as well as over seventy other reports of vomiting and diarrhoea among Brixham residents, in collaboration with Torbay Council, South West Water (SWW), NHS Devon, and the Environment Agency.

According to the statement, drinking tainted water or ingesting it in swimming pools or streams can result in the infection of cryptosporidiosis, which is “predominantly a waterborne disease”.
Customers were encouraged by SWW to continue using their water as usual, as it will be kept “under review”.

“We have reviewed our water treatment works’ operation and the water quality data from those sites, which show us there haven’t been any problems with the treated water,” the statement read.We are continuing to closely collaborate with public health partners on their investigation and are conducting additional monitoring of the local supply region, as per our agreement today.”

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said investigations into the source were ongoing, and those who had reported symptoms were being contacted.

According to Sarah Bird, a health protection expert at UKHSA South West, more cases were expected. “A source has not yet been identified; more information will be shared as soon as it becomes available,” the speaker stated.Most people can treat their cryptosporidium symptoms at home without consulting a doctor.”

The symptoms, which can last for two to three weeks, include watery diarrhea, stomachaches, dehydration, weight loss, and fever. Children between the ages of one and five are most likely to be impacted, according to UKHSA, and “most healthy people will recover fully”.

Ms Bird stated: “Anyone with a diarrhoeal illness should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and if they have severe symptoms like bloody diarrhoea, they should contact NHS 111 or their GP surgery.”Kindly refrain from attending school or working for 48 hours following the most recent illness episode, and avoid swimming pools for 14 days following the most recent illness episode.” People should “wash their hands thoroughly when handling food and after using the toilet, to help prevent the spread of further infection,” according to Dr. Lincoln Sargeant, director of public health at Torbay Council. Tanya Matthews stated that she had been inquiring with SWW about her family’s health issues.

She continued: “They’re saying that it’s nothing to do with the water supplies to our homes.”Almost every house on our block is affected by this sickness; even the pets are becoming sick.” In an effort to prevent getting sicker, Alex Riley and his family were boiling their water.

He stated: “We boil it then put it through the filter – we always filtered our water before to try and reduce the chlorine in it.”That obviously does nothing to eradicate the infection from the system if it is present in the water.”

Both Richard Killick and his daughter had been impacted, he claimed. “I just thought it was something that I’d eaten, but obviously when you look on Facebook pages and see how many people… they’re all saying higher Brixham,” he said.

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