Your regular coffee use may be lowering your chance of developing dementia.
Even though millions of people drink coffee every day worldwide, it’s unlikely that you do so for health reasons. On the other hand, you may be inadvertently shielding yourself from a future diagnosis of a catastrophic illness.
Trigonelline, a naturally occurring chemical found in coffee, has been shown in studies to help prevent age-related muscle atrophy and preserve muscle function.
This basically suggests that, if accurate, consuming coffee may lower your chance of developing dementia as you age.
However, flavored syrups and heavy cream are frequently added to popular coffees, which can reduce the health benefits of black coffee by adding extra calories, sugar, and saturated fat.
The Alzheimer’s Society in the UK has weighed in, stating that there is some validity to the notion even if they find no “strong” evidence to support the claim that coffee raises a person’s risk of dementia. They claim: “Numerous studies have examined the impact of caffeine on the likelihood of acquiring dementia. Although the media’s attention to these studies can be substantial, it frequently exaggerates the research’s significance.
“Some studies have shown that caffeine in coffee and tea may reduce dementia risk by a small amount, while other studies show no effect or a slightly increased risk.”
Black coffee helps to regulate the metabolism thereby supports in keeping the urinary system clear. Certain chemical ingredients in coffee energize the brain cells in boosting memory and relieving stress. Practically a zero calorie beverage, black coffee stabilizes the digestive system and helps in reducing weight as well.
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