Wexford’s Cardiac Care Services Aim to Treat 80 percent of Chronic Patients Locally

care services
Citation: Image used for information purpose only. Picture Credit: https://focus.independent.ie/

In just over six months since the inception of cardiac care services at Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre (EPCC), experts indicate that approximately 80 percent of individuals with chronic conditions will soon have access to local treatment. An open day held at the EPCC highlighted ongoing efforts in this area, including the Integrated Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme and Lipid Clinic, both now offered within Wexford’s community healthcare services.

The Integrated Cardiology service operates by having patients referred by their GP or practice nurse to a service that includes a consultant or nurse specialist-led cardiology clinic, alongside the newly launched Community Cardiac Rehabilitation programme. This Cardiac Rehabilitation programme, currently active at the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre, builds upon the services initially established at Wexford General Hospital in the early 1990s.

These new services are overseen by Dr. Cyril James, Consultant Cardiologist and Integrated Care specialist at Wexford General Hospital and South East Community Healthcare. Dr. James and his team of clinical nurse specialists, physiotherapists, and clinical psychologists contribute to widening access to essential cardiac services across County Wexford.

During the open day event, Integrated Cardio-Vascular Specialist Nurse Liz Murphy remarked, “With the backing of the HSE, Wexford General Hospital, South East Community Healthcare, and local GP practices, the inauguration of the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre last year has led to the establishment of a Chronic Disease Management Hub here.

“We are making significant progress in County Wexford towards achieving the target of providing care in the community for 80 percent of individuals living with chronic diseases, whether respiratory, cardiovascular, or diabetes. Collaborating with our counterparts in the Ireland East Hospital Group, South East Community Healthcare has been advancing a cardiovascular service for GPs and integrating the expertise of the cardiac care services located at Wexford General Hospital’s unit in Ely Hospital.

“As highlighted today by Dr. Quigley, we are also thrilled to welcome retired Consultant Physician Dr. McKiernan to the Open Day. Dr. McKiernan played a pivotal role in establishing the first cardiac care unit at Wexford General Hospital (WGH) 30 years ago in 1994.”

“We are pleased to have John Quinn and Sean Lacey with us, who played active roles in the initial fundraising efforts for its development by the Friends of Wexford Cardiac Care Unit, along with former Director of Nursing in WGH Margaret Curran, who oversaw the unit. Patricia Hackett (Operations Manager Clinical Services, Wexford General Hospital) is also present here to showcase Wexford General Hospital’s dedication to the exciting advancements in integrated care.”

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