A review of neuroimaging research indicates that screen time has an impact on children’s executive functions, memory, and visual processing.
A review of 23 years of neuroimaging research indicates that children’s brain function is significantly and permanently impacted by the amount of time they spend watching television or playing video games. The research also reveals some positive effects in addition to the negative ones. The researchers do not, however, support screen time restrictions because they claim that doing so can provoke conflict. Rather, they implore legislators to support initiatives that foster healthy brain development in order to assist parents in navigating the digital landscape. The evidence review, which is a study of 33 studies that use neuroimaging technology to measure the effects of digital technology on children’s brains under the age of twelve, was published today in the peer-reviewed journal Early Education and Development. There are over 30,000 participants in total.
Specifically, the study reveals that prolonged use of screens causes alterations in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain, which serves as the foundation for executive functions like working memory and the capacity to organize or adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, it detects effects on the temporal lobe, which is critical for memory, hearing, and language; the occipital lobe, which aids in the interpretation of visual information; and the parietal lobe, which aids in the processing of touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain.
According to Chair Professor Hui Li, who chairs the Faculty of Education and Human Development at The Education University of Hong Kong, “it should be recognized by both educators and caregivers that children’s cognitive development may be influenced by their digital experiences.” “Reducing their screen time is a good but confrontational approach; other creative, amiable, and useful tactics could be created and put into practice.